10 FREE GIFT IDEAS FOR DAD THIS FATHERS DAY - Port Fairy Family Photographer
OK by now you can probably tell that I love a list... and with Father's Day just around the corner I thought it was a great opportunity to put together some gift ideas for you that come from the heart. There are lots of things you could buy your Dad this year but I want to focus on the more important stuff. Gifts that will cost nothing but mean so much. Most of these ideas are intended to be things you can help the kids to do for their Dad but there's no reason why you can't choose one for your own Dad too!
Here are my ideas for this Father's Day...
1) BREAKFAST IN BED OR A SLEEP IN - Who doesn't love a sleep in? And a sleep in with breakfast in bed for the WIN!!
2) COUPON BOOK - You could make your own or simply jump across to Botanical Paperworks and print out the FREE printable coupons. Fill them in with whatever ideas you may have. A home made cake, a massage, or maybe a special screening of his favourite film. The possibilities are endless. All you need is your own imagination and a pen to make this the perfect gift idea for dad this Father's Day. There’s also a space for a name on each one, so each book can have different coupons from different children in the family too.
3) WASH THE CAR OR MOW THE LAWN (OR BOTH!!) - Most kids love getting soaking wet and what a good way to do it while giving Dad a break! Earn bonus points with this one by mowing the lawn too...
4) PHOTO COLLAGE - Print off loads of pictures of the family and assemble them on a pin board or in a large frame. If you prefer to get technical then there are also loads of apps you can use to make a digital collage.
5) CREATE A FAMILY FILM - This one is great for older kids. Using your phone or tablet make short clips of each member of the family saying what they love best about Dad and ask them to share their favourite memory. The kids will probably show you how but you can then use iMovie to stitch it together.
6) HANDMADE CARD - If you have older kids I am sure you have had one of these before! To mix it up a little you could add some hand print art for smaller children or with the older ones write a Fathers day poem together.
7) MAKE A PLAYLIST -Brain storm a list of all the songs that remind you of Dad in some way. Mix it up with some of his favourite songs, songs that were playing during good times you’ve had together, or songs with titles/lyrics that are relevant to him in some way… You can then compile them in a playlist and play them to him on the day.
8) SERVANT FOR AN HOUR - Give your Dad the chance to put his feet up. Make him cups of coffee... Fetch the papers... Find the remote control... Run him a bath... Foot massage!?! Let him know he's the boss!
9) PLAN A MEAL EVENT - Don't just cook him dinner, plan an event around a family meal. It could be a picnic in the park or backyard. Maybe you make pizza, prepare popcorn and make it a movie night in.. What ever you decide let Dad know it's all about him and his favourite meal.
10) HUGS ON THE HOUR - Set a timer and surprise Dad with a big bear hug on the hour, every hour...
There are loads of lovely free Father’s Day gift ideas out there and hopefully this helps you with planning yours. Do you have any other suggestions for free Father’s Day gifts? If so I’d love to hear them. xx
P.S I have a Fathers Day Special coming up this September…!
It's exciting times around here as I prepare to officially launch my Keepsake Film packages.
At the end of October I am travelling to Sydney to attend the Filming Life Academy (Eeep!). In the mean time I am hoping to make a couple of gorgeous spring time family films for you...
So I have decided to give away a bonus keepsake film with every family booking this September.
To see my latest Fresh 48 Keepsake Film click here.