Our Homeschooling (Unschooling) Life & A New Look Reality For Parents - WARRNAMBOOL FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHER
It’s really hard to be different. In a world where we have such standardised social norms let me tell you it’s hard to step of the gang plank and say, ‘I want to do life differently’.
In the midst of this ravaging virus we are seeing many of our deeply ingrained social structures being flipped on their head. Suddenly we are facing a drastic new reality where familiar systems, that once kept order in our lives, interrupted to a point where all of us will have to do things differently for some time.
Homeschool is probably not a new concept to many of you but for most, my guess is, it’s quite foreign, a little alarming and way out of your comfort zone. Right now however more parents than ever are being faced with the prospect of taking on the responsibility of their children’s education needs at home.
At the beginning of this year we returned to home education after a two year break in mainstream school. Our experience of schooling at home has been rich and rewarding but not without it’s challenges. Finding a rhythm that suits the whole family takes time and trying to emulate school in the home just didn’t work. People often say to me “Oh you are a teacher so you know what you are doing!”. I can honestly say in reply to this that all the post graduate studies and primary teaching I have done in the past never prepared me for what homeschooling entails.
I have learnt more by spending time with my kids than I ever did at university. I have learnt that children are both phenomenal teachers and learners. I have learnt to trust my kids natural curiosity. I have learnt to listen carefully to my children and value their opinions. I have learnt that children will always find a way to learn what they need to know and I have learnt that the most powerful learning occurs when I give my children the autonomy to learn what they want to learn.
I am by no means an expert in any of this but I have, through some trial and error, discovered what works for us. Therefore, I am sharing this with you in the hope that some of what I have learnt will help you through your own homeschooling phase.
Be kind and forgiving of yourself. This is new territory and as a parent you too are learning along the way. Don’t try and do it all at once, let life slow down and enjoy simply being present with your kids.
Don’t waste time stressing over how and what to teach. If your kids don’t want to learn what you want them to then start talking to them about stuff they like instead. Listen to audio books and podcasts, read aloud, play board games and puzzles, solve the Rubix cube, build cubbies, watch movies and documentaries.
Pick up a musical instrument, sing, learn a new language, draw, paint, play Lego. Play Minecraft or computer games they like. Listen to music, do yoga or meditation. Cook something you have never tried before.
Write shopping lists, letters to grandparents, love leters… Write in the sand, write on the windows (with removable markers), write on the concrete with chalk. Go on long walks and explore nature. Grow some seeds and build a veggie garden. Play hide and seek, just play, play, play.
Surprise them, be spontaneous and crazy. Dress up with them, set up a concert in the living room or camp out in the garden. Have pillow fights, wrestle or play murder in the dark. Find your inner child and join in on the fun.
Keep it rich and varied and follow their interests all the way. Your kids will thank you for the extra specialised attention and I promise the rewards are tangible.
I know people think I am crazy, but I truely believe that as parents we are enough for our children. I also believe that if given the right opportunities to learn on their own terms, kids will far outlive even our wildest dreams for them.
Khan Academy
My boys have enjoyed learning coding and animation. Also good for maths, humanities and social sciences. All ages but better suited to older kids and secondary level.
My eldest is loving learning Latin but there are many other languages to chose from. Free. Web or app.
Prodigy Maths
All three of my boys love the battles after each level!! Not for learning new concepts but great for revision and practicing maths problems.
Creative computer programming for younger kids
Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos
National Geographic Kids
Activities and quizzes for younger kids.
Quizes to test knowledge in any given subject - My boys love playing these after a learning phase
A super literacy learning program designed for kids with Dyslexia
Amazing writing resources and ideas from experienced homeschooler Julie Bogart
Free to access 100s of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from age 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account).
Free taster courses aimed at those considering Open University but everyone can access it. Adult level, but some e.g. nature and environment courses could well be of interest to young people.
Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.
Mystery Science
Free science lessons
The Kids Should See This
Wide range of cool educational videos
Crash Course
You Tube videos on many subjects
Crash Course Kids
As above for a younger audience
Crest Awards
Science awards you can complete from home.
iDEA Awards
Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.
Paw Print Badges
Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.
All kinds of making.
Cbeebies Radio
Listening activities for the younger ones.
Nature Detectives
A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!
Big History Project
Aimed at Secondary age. Multi disciplinary activities.
Geography Games
Geography gaming!
The Artful Parent
Good, free art activities
Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts for little ones
The Imagination Tree
Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.